All in the name of science

 Test out all your normal/ favourite foods… Oh, ok then!

I completed my first day of ZOE program testing yesterday, and for the next two weeks will be doing something that many Type 1 Diabetics do routinely: wearing a Continuous Glucose Monitor.

The next two phases are about trying out food I eat normally, along with different combinations, timings, and juxtapositions to see how they impact my blood sugar response. 

I’m already fascinated… in fact, mesmerised by it!

Yesterday’s trace… Risotto for dinner followed by a ‘threshold’ bike session:

And then this morning… A walk to Muir of Ord for coffee & cake. Check out the different gradient of the peak! Does exercise flatten the blood sugar curve?

I’m going to be fascinated to learn over the next wee while how different foods work in my body specifically, and how I can use them, along with the timing of eating, training sessions, work and sleep, to manage my health & wellbeing better- and maybe even to lose some weight. And if it means I can still eat the stuff I love by managing it in a particular way, all the better! 


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