This is me
So that’s the formalities out of the way… and of course, nothing is ever that simple, is it? We all have history and a backstory, and I’m no exception. I’m starting this blog partly to document my journey in sport & fitness, and partly to help me with a sense of perspective so that I can look back on events as they unfold.
A few more important bits about me… I tend to throw myself into things I take on at 110%, I love being outdoors - except when I don’t - and have particularly enjoyed taking up open water swimming recently. In my last previous life I was a sea kayak coach working full time on the water, and I’ve always been heavier than I’d like to be. That’s by far my biggest struggle in life: my weight.
I’m writing this blog for me. To process the ups & downs, and the two-steps-forward-one-step-back. To record the adventures, whinge about the tough days and celebrate the little victories. But if you enjoy it, are interested by it, or get something out of it, then great: I hope you keep reading. I’ll try and include some decent photos and the odd anecdote along the way.
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