
Showing posts from April, 2024


I'm laid up on the sofa at home with a cold just now, full of snot and with plenty of time to ponder where I am with my Celtman training, what I still need to do, and how I can recover from an illness setback.  I'm a bit nervous about writing this post as it's very personal, but I'll write it down and then work out whether to publish it when I get to the end.  I do know there are a few people who read this blog and take a little bit of inspiration or motivation from it, so perhaps I will put my big brave girl pants on and press 'publish', for me and those people, and to hell with anyone who wants to be critical.   Preparing for this race is occupying most of my waking moments just now.  When I'm not at work, or sleeping, body and mind are on Celtman.  Thankfully I have a patient and accommodating parter in Mark- and he is also involved in Celtman, so he's not entirely immune to the obsession himself.   Yes, I'm a fully paid-up Celtman bore.  You kind...