What Lurks Beneath…
I only really started open water swimming to be able to do triathlons. In fact, if I’m honest I only really started so I could do Celtman Solo Point Five. But one of the huge revelations and benefits of my triathlon journey so far has been falling in love with swimming outdoors, and particularly with swimming in the sea. Having spent years as a full time sea kayak coach, I always thought I knew the sea; I understand tides and how the water moves, I can often predict it’s moods and how it will behave. I can look at a patch of sea, on the surface, and work out what the wind and tide are doing, and how it will feel to be on it, in a kayak. But it turns out I only really knew it above the surface. I’ve been around water all my life: sailing dinghies while I grew up, and then bigger boats, sea kayaking, white water kayaking, surf kayaking. What none of this prepared me for was the underwater world, and how that would make me feel… Photo of a page in Wild ...